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Policy and Entry into Israel

Sun 24/10/2021

The Prime Minister Naftali Bennet, Minister of Health and Minister of Tourism approved the tourism and entry to Israel policy. The act will come into force on November 1st 2021, and will be updated subject to the discovery and developments of new COVID-19 variants, The measures will be presented to the government for approval in due course. 

The Prime Minister, Naftali Bennet, held a meeting With some officials of the relevant authorities in Israel, on (Thursday), 21st October 2021, regarding tourism and the entry policy to Israel.

The approved act is as follows:

Approved for entry to Israel:

- foreigners who have been vaccinated with two Pfizer vaccines and 7 days or more have passed since the second vaccine on the day they enter Israel (but no more than 180 days once leaving Israel).

- foreigners who have been vaccinated with 2 Moderna, AstraZeneca, Sinovac or Sinopharm vaccines, and 14 days or more have passed from the second vaccine on the day they enter Israel (but no more than 180 days once they leave Israel).

-  foreigners who have been vaccinated with one J&J vaccine and 14 days have passed when they enter Israel (but no more than 180 days once they leave Israel).

- foreigners who have received a Pfizer booster shot, and 7 days or more have passed once they enter Israel.

- foreigners who have received a Moderna, Sinovac, Sinopharm, AstraZeneca or J&J booster shot, and 14 days or more have passed once they enter Israel. 

-foreigners who have recovered from COVID-19 and present a valid  positive NAAT test (a molecular test such as PCR), and 11 days or more have passed since the positive test on the day they enter Israel (but no more than 180 days once they leave Israel). 

-foreigners who have recovered from COVID-19 and have received at least 1 vaccine approved by the WHO. 

Groups who will be exempt from isolation on the basis of movement in 1 capsule/pod:

 -no need for a serological test 

- tourists who have received a WHO recognized vaccine. 

- the group will move as one capsule/pod in Israel, with no free time and with regulations on movement in places with a higher risk of infection. 

- a cap of 2,000 tourists in a pod per day (in mixed groups, the stricter act will apply)

- A daily Antigen test or PCR test once every 72 hours for 14 days from entry to Israel. 

- tourists who have not stayed in a red country, or a country with a severe travel warning in the 14 days prior to entry to the State of Israel.

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